
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water Unit Cost Database


Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water

Project Value


Services Provided

Development and Implementation of a Unit Cost Database

About the project

ChandlerKBS was commissioned to develop a bespoke database to enable the client to comply with regulatory requirements and to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the cost estimating function.  Initial development of a standard hierarchy for assets, processes components and elements were undertaken followed by the design of a standard data capture template for the collection of and recording of capital, operational and maintenance costs together with the required yardsticks.

The database includes the collation of consequential costs arising from asset failures and serviceability issues.  The system includes a statistical package which generates cost models from the inputted data and enables projects to be estimated at a variety of levels and stages based on company specific and recent project data.

The database provides continuous benchmarking of performance and the calculation of reliable rates which are used to inform future decision-making processes.  This consists of an independent and ‘live data feed’ system that transfers cost data captured by the delivery teams into a useable format which is stored in a central unit cost database.  The overall data capture process is embedded as part of a business-as-usual approach to enable effective cost data capture coming from target cost and actual out-turn cost information.

Client Testimonial

“Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water engaged ChandlerKBS to develop a bespoke cost database and to deliver ancillary services to support various business requirements and regulatory submissions in the lead up to PR09.  The cost database is now embedded within the organisation and is key to many business functions.  ChandlerKBS delivered the services on time, within budget and in a manner which has improved our business processes.”

Paul Edwards, Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water