
Lee Tunnel Independent Review


Thames Tideway and OFWAT

Project Value

£634 million

Services Provided

Cost Auditing, Cost Benchmarking, Risk Appraisal and Cost Assurance

About the project

The Lee Tunnel, part of the Thames Tideway Scheme, runs from Abbey Mills Pumping Station to Beckton Sewage Treatment Works. The tunnel is 6.9km long and captures 16,000,000m3 of sewage annually from the single largest polluting Combined Sewer Overflows in London.

ChandlerKBS was commissioned to conduct a review of the cost estimating and risk assessment process used by Thames Water on the Lee Tunnel project.

Services included independent verification of the commercial elements of the project for OFWAT, and a detailed review and interrogation of the basis of estimating, risk management procedures and allocation of risk between Thames Water and OFWAT. The commission also involved an audit of the procurement process and negotiation of an acceptable cost to include in the price determination, along with risk analysis and profiling.