
Magnox Bradwell Nuclear Power Station ADAP


Energy Solutions

Project Value

£16 million

Services Provided

Cost Management and Project Management

About the project

Bradwell, a former Magnox Nuclear Power Station, was one of two sites selected in 2009 for accelerated decommissioning. Less than a decade later, it became the first UK nuclear site to reach care and maintenance phase.

ChandlerKBS was appointed to provide specialist commercial and project management services for the design, manufacture, installation and commissioning on the first-of-a-kind Aqueous Discharge Abatement Plant (ADAP) project at Bradwell. 

The ADAP was designed and manufactured to process intermediate level radioactive waste streams in a containerised processing facility. This included replacement of the existing Active Effluent Treatment Plant which treated liquid waste from across the site. The scheme involved modular off-site manufacture, build and testing prior to delivery and on-site installation and commissioning.